Tuesday 12 October 2010

Our Chosen Genre: Drama

Analysis By Vivienne Samuels 

Last Words 

This short film, written, produced and directed by Matthew Junmar, is centered around the 9/11 event.  It sets up the characters as a couple in the beginning closely followed by the dramatic irony for the audience, so that we already know the consequences. The film allows the audience to imagine the fate of one of the protagonists, with the use of a fade to black and what can be thought of as diegetic sound.
It then uses ellipses to set us up for the emotional scene, accompanied by the absence of color, to indicate the loss of his partner is the lose of the color from his life. although the director chooses to use a few dissolves in the emotional scene, the final frame is kept tight so that the audience connect with the character.
I thought that it was interesting how a short film could end on a climax without a stereotypical resolution.
The lighting is very extreme and almost feels over exposed but could reflect the happiness they feel when they are together. All their actions are highlighted through close-ups which we will try to do in our film.

Analysis By Channan Toussaint

This film was produced by Troy Dovey- Crudstar. The beginning of the film starts of as really dramatic as the audience is shown these characters , a group of men who seem to be of some sort of negative portrayal. The film sets up a moment where we as the audience think we know what is going to happen but it diverts itself to a whole different scene. The normality of the mother and child seem to be of ease for the audience. The drama then arises when the audience yet again is shown the group of male characters now approaching the woman and her child. The use of fade in and outs creates the the unsettling atmosphere and the speed of these fade in and outs to different characters makes it more dramatic. 
This short film allows the audience to imagine for a moment what the mother could do and to see whether thelittle girl would be discovered. The quick turn of events keeps the audience on edge. The lighting is very dark but shady and this creates the dramatic atmnosphere. There are many close-ups of each charatcers face and shots where each person is in frame. Each close-up shows a charatcer either going through some experianxce or so. It was unusal to see how this short film ended as there was no real closure except the raw emotions from the mother and her child. The sheer outburst of emotion seems as if it is the beginning rather than the end. This short Film redress, takes issues very seriously instead of making them into humour. The narravtive can also be seen as realistic and something that could have happend rather than fiction.

This type of emotion and climax is what we will try to incorporate in our short film.

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