Wednesday 15 December 2010

New Schedule for Filming

We have decided to film during the first week of the Christmas holidays. e decided to choose this time period because both Me and Vivienne will have free time but also our cast will also be free due to there being no sixth form.  

Due to work commitments we will be having a group discussion on Friday, currently we know that our actors can film any day of the week. 

Possible filming days will be:

Tuesday 21 December 
Thursday 23 December

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Filming Day 3

Filming: Pub Location Scene 1-2
Directors: Channan and Vivienne
Cast: Daniel and Shola

We knew exactly what we were going to when we came to the location and so setting up was easy. How ever upon arrival and when setting yp we realised that the lighting of where we shot before had changed. The lights were no longer still but they were colour changing. After discussing this we decided to go ahead and film anyway because they were in a pub environment.  The scene that we were up to was the rising tension between Shola and Daniel. We made many changes due to discussing the location and the development of the characters such as wether we should keep the characters cockney or to make them more urban. The cast suggested that they found it more easier to be urban as it was themselves and so we adpated the script to this change.

Shola and Daniel In Action
We had some real achievements that made this scene even more authentic. We soon came to realise that in our scriot we had casted that a muslim woman would walk past the window and Daniel would make a statement based upon this. The problem was we hadnt found some one to be this woman and so thankfully the pub owner volunteered to be this woman. We ensured that she looked that part and knew what to do when we filmed. To our surprise when we filmed a real muslim woman walked pass at the same time that the pub owner did as well and to even more positivity the shot we filmed was spot on perfect. 

Vivienne Filming
When recording their were people in the pub so recording the sound was difficult at times because we didn't want to take the reality sound out of them being in a pub.  When recording the sound I ensured that we gotthe actors to speak clearly and fluently as well as if we were doing retakes they would have to repeat their lines spot on as before.
Channan Recording the Sound

Filming Day 2: Pub Scene 1

Filming: Pub Location Scene 1
Directors: Channan and Vivienne
Cast: Daniel and Shola

 We filmed at the Pub again. This time filming we took into consideration the Daylight Times we had previously researched as well as tried to find an alternative position in the pub where we could film that would have significantly more lighting than where we filmed before.  When filming we managed to do the first part of the Pub Scene we got different shots and various takes on how we would portray this scene.  

Filming Daniel and Shola
We decided that the place we would film would be near to the window, whilst filing this sequence we came up with further ideas that would make this scene even more effective. We discovered that we could do more with our shots as well as the position we were filming in. Daniel and Shola both got into character quickly and we were easily able to shoot the emotion that both the brothers would be experiencing. 

Daniel and Shola/ Stan and Mitch
There were some issues that we had to carefully consider such as how we would continue to shoot at the pub and still ensure that the continuity of the film stays he same, if not this would make our film look uneven as well as bait that we did not shoot it continuously in one go. 
Overall we think that we made significant progress when filming this scene and that we were able to film many different portrayals of our cast when in action. 

Poster Idea Development

We both came up with poster ideas on how we would want the film poster to look like. Both our ideas were fairly different but had the same focus point which was the two brothers.

Vivienne and Channan's Poster Idea
After looking at each others posters we came to have ideas on how we would design our final poster and whether we should use elements of both. We decided to do some research into film posters that we thought had presentation and some portrayals of what our short film would be about. The main thing we were looking for was the brother relationship. 

Channan And Vivienne Discussing Poster ideas
We came up with three poster ideas and we decided to draw three mock ups of our three poster ideas to see how they would look like if we were to carry them out properly.  We also came up with a range of taglines that we may choose to use. when comming up with the Taglines we wanted something to reflect the drama within our short film and something that would stand out and attract our target audience.

Inital Tagline Ideas and Poster ideas.
Our three ideas were:

Idea 1:
This first idea was to Have shola (Mitch) on the far right hand side of the poster and then to have Daniel (Stan) in the background on the left just behind his shoulder. Daniel will be more faded than Shola. The background will be black and the tagline at the top of t he poster. The Title will be on the bottom right hand side underneath shola and the arabic title will be under this as well. The date upon release will be on the left hand side of the title.

Idea 2:
Our Three Psoer Ideas 1, 2 & 3
This would be a single image of shola (Mitch) but in two different ways. Shola's face will be split in half and have two different images but they come together as one. The right hand side will be of normal Shola that Stan knows abd then the left hand side will be of Shola (Mitch) that is in islamic clothing. the title will be athe top and the tagline at the botoom of the poster with the date underneath. The background will also be black in order to bring out the image of Shola in two different ways.
Idea 3:
This Idea wiould consist Daniel (Stan) and Shola (Mitch) in two different perceptions. On the right hand side will be Shola facing Daniel who is on the left. How ever facing Daniel also will be shola but in an islamic wear but slightly faded. This faded perception of shola will also be facing Daniel but be on the right hand side behind the already stated image of shola. The background will also be black. The titile will be beneath these images centered with the islamic writing slighlty to the right beneath it.  the date will be bottom centered. The tagline will be centered at the top of the poster.

Channan and Vivienne 

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Filming Day 1: Tester Day

We began our filming with our second scene, which was the pub. We decided to start with this scene because it is the main location as well as it having more happening within it than the pther location. When we got to the pub we realised that the lighting was really dark but decided anyway to see how filming would go. Filming the first Scene was fairly easy and we experimented with different shots and angles as well as try different ways of showing what is meant to happen in the scene. We managed to film some really good effective shots and were thinking of extendning these shoys when we film again.

Due to not having the merantz, we were unable to film things that we could keep due to sound quality not being good. We hope by next time when we film we would be able to film and capture good sound. The things we will need to ensure we do is to probaly enhance the luighting where we are filming and request that we have the pub quiet for a short period of time so we can get the sound quality we need.

Things To Ensure:
  • Lighting
  • Sound
  • Timing

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Editing: Colour Correction

After our first day of filming, we started to capture and edit straight away. We liked the ambient lighting that the street light created within the pub, but it gave the interior a purple tone on camera. To try and resolve this problem I used color correction in Final Cut, as to fade down the harsh shades of blue and red.

Monday 6 December 2010

Problems and Solution

After finding our new actors, we were initially due to film straight away, however, due to unexpected snowfall, school was closed and the pipes at the pub had frozen, which set us back a few days. We are now scheduled to film all the scenes in the pub this week and this weekend all the scenes in the house. Therefore our target will be to have all our footage by the 13th December.


After carrying out some intense research into finding the right people to cast, we narrowed it down to two people.  We ensured that the people we chose had good acting as well as had the ability to play the role that they were casted for. Each role will have to be played out effectively and this we took into consideration when casting the little brother who would be playing a boy who has converted to muslim. 

We have decided to cast Daniel Meghie as the older brother and Shola Stewart for the younger brother. 
Daniel Meghie
This decision was based on the facts that Daniel does have the acting ability and the role that we are casting him for he suited the persona that we were trying to portray. The older brother will come across aggressively and in a negative manor and this is something we know Daniel can do easily. Daniel also would be the typical build and have the appearance of the older brother and so this is also which made him well suited for the role of the older brother.

 Shola Stewart

We decided to cast Shola as the younger brother because he had the characteristics that we were looking for in the younger brother. Shola also has the acting ability as well as him too suiting the persona of the younger brother. The younger brother will come across as a quiet person as well as being a younger brother who has converted to Islam. Shola also has the build and appearance that we are looking for in the younger brother. The appearance for the younger brother would be slim build, humble and towards themselves which is the characteristics that Shola has. 

Both Daniel and Shola are reliable people and have agreed to film when we need them best of all they are friends and so filming with each other wouldn't be an issue as they are used to each others company. 

Sunday 5 December 2010

New Script

As we changed the character's relationship and location, I had to adapt the script. Were going to give the audience a sense of dramatic irony, as any good drama does, as we will know that the younger brother is muslim, but when it comes to the conversation scene in the pub, we find that he is trying to shield is identity from his brother.
here is a sample:
The pub is a little dirty and run down, if there is ever a cleaner, he is not there now. We can almost smell the odour of the footballs fan's beers. As we pan through the pub we see that is quite busy. MITCH is awkwardly sitting alone on a small table. STAN effortlessly glides through the pub with two pints of beers in his hands. His eyes are focused on his, 'golden- boy' and the camera follows him to his seat. MITCH begins to become less stiff.

Here we are, get that down ya.

Cheers (muffled)

STAN begins to gulp down the beer instantly before MITCH even replies. MITCH strokes the beer gently, contemplating whether to drink it or not. STAN glances over the top of his already half empty glass at MITCH and realises something is wrong.

I know what you’re thinking.  Listen Mitch, mum/

I'm not thinking about her Stan

She would of wanted us to keep on going as if/

 Stan can you please stop I've I've just...well I've decided to give up the drink. (Quietly) that's all

There’s an awkward silence. STAN looks confused

Ey? What’s brought this on then? We did jus' win MITCH...go on Mitch, its Cors, light beer
He winks

I'm not on a bloody diet I just don't feel like drinking anymore dad, not now, not ever.

Alright then, more for me.