Wednesday 19 January 2011


Initially, the flashback scenes were to be of both actors in a previous time, enjoying the each others company. However, with the help of real media, I thought it would be a better idea, and a easier concept to grasp for the audience, if the flashback was to consist of the characters when they were younger.

Generally, film, television and even video game flashback troupes are that to a younger self of the present character onscreen after reflection in the mirror or a dream. This essentially transfers memories from one character to another allowing them to see from their own point of view. Evidence of this can be seen in such shows as
  • Mad Men,  in the first episode of season three where Dan flashes back to how he was born/adopted-although not his own memories as he is called, " a prostitute's worst fear"
  • A rather interesting case occurs in Final Fantasy VII as a crucial part of game's story. The heroine Tifa enters the catatonic hero Cloud's mind and helps him sort through his muddled memories. Together, she and Cloud (his subconsciousness, really) go over experiences they shared in the past to determine what memories were real, which were invented, and which were implanted.
  • the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
In order to achieve this, i had to cast new characters that were quite young. The difficulties surrounding this would of course be parental consent for which i drew up forms for their parents to sign.
After, some deliberation, a drama teacher and i decided on the following actors.

Jacob Payre, 11 younger Stan


Junior Kisombe, 11 younger Mitch

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