Tuesday 2 November 2010

Our Actors

For our short film, we thought it would be best to tell our story with minimal characters. This will give the audience time to connect emotionally with the characters, and come to some conclusions by themselves of who can be considered right or wrong. As well as practicality, we will be much more flexible with a small cast. Therefore we will only have two actors, the Father and the son. We will be able to explore each character individually to make way for a high climax, echoed in many dramas and especially short films.

For our father figure we wanted some what of a 'diamond- geezer', but at the same time be identified as a father for our target audience. Much of our secondary research went into finding father figures in not just films, but television shows that achieved that balance. we found that the best actor was Mike Reid. The father also had to have some arrogance about him and 

So we went on a search for someone who could not only be a visual representation of a 'diamond-geezer' like Reid, but achieve this balance on screen. we found Russel Jones:

 He has been in numerous theatrical roles and has the actual life experience of having two teenagers, so we have much raw emotion to play with.

The son would have to be a stereo-typical teenager that had a great bond with his father. The son would mainly relate to many teenage boys of today and with the theme of religion many young teenage boys are converting and so his appearance woulnt need to be altered at all.As we cast the son after Russel, we looked for someone who had similar facial features and after much scouting, we casted Harvey Shadbolt:
He fits our character image and has had much acting experience.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent blog entry. Well done. Add your personal contribution to your individual blog.
