Tuesday 23 November 2010

Filming: Solution

Our solution to this problem was to tweak our storyline and script slightly, so instead of presenting a Father-son relationship, we would show the relationship between brothers. We already had a strong knowledge of what we were looking for when it came to the portrayal of the characters. Such films as Dead Man's Shoes.

This film  Showed how brothers are rarely presented as having the same personality types. This concept put us in the right direction, casting wise. We will then be able to cast around our age group from people within our Sixth Form, which will give us the stability we need to shoot. We have also accessed in such films as Brothers, that it is almost a cinema trait to have "brother", not related. This will be able to visually aid our storyline, as we can highlight the cultural clash, if the brothers are foster brothers or one is adopted, bringing in themes of social stigma.

Although we might have been set back location and timing wise, It has been a eye-opener to the world of short films. As they are usually short in only one or two locations, our initial ideas didn't really follow the conventions of one. Now, we will shoot primarily at our Pub location, who signed a filming contract, and perhaps have a flashback to other location and time. This will eliminate any issues of the audience not connecting with the characters. 

We will, of course, have to work harder to show that the other brother has higher status, but this will all be shown through the body codes of our actor and the new script.

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