Monday 8 November 2010

Working on The StoryBoard ( Pre-Storyboard Planning)

Pre StoryBoard Planning

Before we planned our storyboard with images we first completed a pre storyboard sheet where we wrote down all our shots and what would be happening in them. It was here where we made changes and improved our ideas that we had first formed for our Short Film. 

(Storyboard Planning sheets)

StoryBoarding our Short Film Idea

Example of Storyboards we created

The storyboard we created basically was images of how our film would go. We drew images for each shot to portray how we would go about filming it. Each shot highlighted a specific part in that scene.  The storyboard enabled us to see our film in still images before filming it and make and quick changes into how we would film them as well.  When drawing the storyboards we also named them via Scene,Shot and a brief description of that shot. By having our images of our shots it will help us make filming easier as we will know what to film and what emotions should be displayed. This will also help us position our characters and know what they should be doing in each scene. We organised our images in chronological order. Our images were basic still frames that we drew onto post stick notes. 

Scene 4 Shot 28 & Shot 29

We found this process really time consuming because we had repeats of shots and we had to make each shot look effective. Many of the shots we had to re-draw again due to them not looking how the description made them out to be. 

Examples of the storyboard images that we photographed and placed in the Animatic

In total we have 5 Scenes and 43 Shots

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