Monday 15 November 2010

Presentation: Prodigy Short Film

This is video of our Presentation.

How did it go?
Overall we think that our presentation went well, in relation to sayingthat we felt we highlighted key points within our idea and the portrayla of our film. Although due to actors availability, we were unable to present our final shooting schedule. We were also unable to play our animatic due to it being on lock which was a technical error and so we didnt tend to this problem till after our presentation. We were able to give our audience an overview into the play and what it was focused on.Fortunately, everything else is organised including the weather forecast and sunset times for the next two weeks, this way when the actors tell us their days of availability, we will be able to just slide them into the schedule.

We were both slightly nervous when presenting our final idea, but because we think that our outcome will be strong, we were able to articulate our ideas clearly
Any Improvements?
The things we could improve on in the future is getting to the point much quikcer and also ensuring that we are more organied when presenting our pitch. we do think we could have extended on many aspects of our play such as the animatic and audience research and how it helped us get the idea that we have. We will ensure next time to have the presentations on one slide rather than two separate slideshows as this proved to be a difficult transition.

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